Census 2020 Timeline


Residents from the State of Maryland will receive invitations to respond to the 2020 Census in spring of 2020. It looks like North Beach residents will receive the 2020 Census letter asking you to go online to complete the census questionnaire. See the timeline below from the Calvert County Census 2020 website and the map as a reference to the mailing.

March 12-20: Residents receive an invitation to respond online. Some households will receive paper questionnaire.
March 16-24: Residents receive a reminder letter.
March 26-April 3: Residents receive a reminder postcard if they have not responded.
April 1: Census Day
April 8-16: A reminder letter and paper questionnaire mailed to residents.
April 20-27: Final reminder postcard mailed to residents.

#northbeachmd #livenorthbeachmd #MDBeCounted #Census2020
