Ordinances and Resolutions

Charter Resolutions

Charter Amendment Resolution 01-2020


Ordinance 24-01 An Ordinance Adopting Operating Budgets for the General Fund, Sewer Fund, Water Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Community Conservation Fund for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2024 and Ending June 30, 2025 (FY 2025)

Ordinance 23-06 An Ordinance Adopting Operating Budgets for the General Fund, Sewer Fund, Water Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Community Conservation Fund for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2023 and Ending June 30, 2024 (FY 2024)

Ordinance 23-05 An Ordinance Amending North Beach Town Code, Chapter 69 "Licensing," Article II "Rental Housing Licenses," §69-14 "Licenses Required," to Establish a New Deadline Within Which to Obtain a Rental Inspection, and to Amend §69-16, "Inspections," to Incorporate the Requirements of Maryland's Reduction of Lead Risk in Housing Law

Ordinance 23-04 An Ordinance of the Council of North Beach Amending the Code of the Town of North Beach, Chapter 69, "Licensing," Article I, "General Provisions," to Clarify the Town's Business License Requirements and Procedures, Including Requirements Relating to the Transfer of a License, to Repeal Provisions Requiring Licenses for Entertainment and to Stay Open Between the Hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., to Require that Business Premises are Maintained in Accordance with the Town's Property Maintenance Standards, to Repeal Sec. 69-5, "Hours of Business," and to Amend Sec. 69-13, "Violations," to Provide that each Day a Violation of Article I Exists is a Separate Offense

Ordinance 23-03 An Ordinance of the Council of North Beach Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 112 "Water and Sewer Policies" of the Code of the Town of North Beach, to Revise the Town's Substantive Policies, Rules, and Regulations Relating to the Provision of Water and Sewer Services and Provide for the Adoption by Resolution of Water and Sewer Manual Containing Policies, Rules, and Regulations Relating to Such Services and to Provide for Fines and Penalties Relating to Non-Compliance with the Terms Thereof

Ordinance 23-02 Amending Chapter 18 "Purchasing" of the Code of the Town of North Beach, to Repeal § 18-2 “Scope”, to Amend § 18-3 “Competitive Bidding" to Increase the Amount of a Purchase That Requires Competitive Bidding to $25,000 and to Change the Manner in Which the Town Must Public a Notice Inviting Proposals for a Contract; to Amend § 18-3 “Exceptions to Competitive Bidding” to Change the Bidding Threshold to $25,000 and to Change the Manner in Which a Notice Pursuant to Subsection A(1)(4) Must be Provided; and to Make Other Nonsubstantive Changes

Ordinance 23-01 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023 to Adjust Several Line Items in the General, Sewer, Water, and Capital Projects Funds

Ordinance 22-05 Chapter 9 Ethics Amending Chapter 9, "Ethics," of the Code of the Town of North Beach to Incorporate Changes Required by State Law to Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure Provisions

Ordinance 22-04 Amending the North Beach Town Code to Enact Chapter 47, "Campaign Finance", to Codify and Supplement the Existing Practice of the Town by Providing Regulations Relating to Financing Campaigns for Town Elective Office and to Provide a Penalty for Failure to Comply with the Terms Thereof

Ordinance 22-03 Operating Budgets for the General Fund, Sewer and Water and Capital Projects Fund FY 2023

Ordinance 22-01 Amended by Interlineation after Introduction; Ordinance Repealing Article 3 of the Town Zoning Ordinance and Enacting Chapter 117, "Zoning" of the Code of the Town of North Beach, including Article 2, "Zoning Districts"

Ordinance 21-07 Amending Chapter 93, "Solid Waste", of the Code of the Town of North Beach, Section 93-9, "Sewer Connections Required", to delete reference to the Sanitary Committee

Ordinance 21-06 Repealing Chapter 86, "Peace and Good Order", of the Code of the Town of North Beach, to repeal Section 86-2, "Trespass Upon Boats", as unnecessary

Ordinance 21-05 Repealing Chapter 65, "Kerosene Stoves", of the Code of the Town of North Beach as Obsolete

Ordinance 21-04 Amending Chapter 37, "Boardwalks and Piers", Section 37-2, "Fishing and Crabbing", of the Code of the Town of North Beach to provide that the Mayor has the authority to set, from time to time, the times during which the public may use the Fishing Pier

Ordinance 21-03 Repealing Chapter 12, "Fire Marshall", of the Code of the Town of North Beach as Obsolete

Ordinance 21-02 Operating Budgets for the General Fund, Sewer and Water and Capital Projects Fund FY 2022

Ordinance 21-01 Amending Chapter 9, "Ethics", of the Code of the Town of North Beach to Incorporate Changes in State Law with Respect to Local Ethics Ordinances

Ordinance 20-01 Operating Budgets for the General Fund, Sewer and Water and Capital Projects Fund FY 2021

Ordinance 19-03 Developer's Agreement, EFFECTIVE December 3, 2019

Ordinance 19-01 Operating Budgets for the General Fund, Sewer and Water and Capital Projects Fund FY 2020

Ordinance 18-05 Amending the North Beach Town Code Chapter 86, "Peace and Good Order", to Enact Section 86-5.1, "Smoking on Town Property", Prohibiting Smoking on Specified Town Property and to Amend Section 86-6, "Penalties", to Provide an Additional Sanction for a Violation of Section 86-5.1.

Signed Ordinance 18-04 Compensation for Council and Mayor

Signed Ordinance 18-03 FY 19 Budget

Signed Ordinance 18-02 FY 18 Amended Budget

Ordinance 18-01 Alley Closure -Block 7

Ordinance 17-14 Fortunetelling Ordinance


Signed Resolution 24-02 Resolution to Establish Town of North Beach Fees

Signed Resolution 24-01 Resolution to Establish Town of North Beach Fees

Signed Resolution 23-08 A Resolution for the Town of North Beach to adopt the 2023 North Beach Compound Flood Action Plan / Final Compound Flood Action Plan 6/28/2023

Signed Resolution 23-05 A Resolution to Establish Town of North Beach Fees

Signed Resolution 23-04 Resolution of the Maryland and Town Council of the Town of North Beach Maryland Adopting a Residential Anti Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan as Required for Participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program

Signed Resolution 23-03 of the Mayor and Town Council for the Town of North Beach Maryland to Adopt the Maryland Community Development Block Grant Program Citizen Participation Plan

Signed Resolution 23-02 A Resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of North Beach, Maryland to Apply for a Grant Under the Maryland Community Development Block Grant Program for the Construction of the Ladies of Charity of Calvert County Food Pantry

Signed Resolution 23-01 A Resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of North Beach, Maryland Adopting a Water and Sewer Manual, Setting Forth the Town's Policies, Rules, and Regulations Relating to the Provision of Water and Sewer Services

Signed Resolution 22-04 A Resolution to Establish Town of North Beach Fees

Signed Resolution 22-01 A Resolution for the Town of North Beach to achieve Its greatest community health potential and promote sustainable healthy living for all its resident families

Signed Resolution 21-02 A Resolution to Establish Town of North Beach Fees

Resolution 21-01 Moratorium on Business License Issuance

Signed Resolution 20-05 Community Legacy

Signed Resolution 20-04 Racial Discrimination and Social Injustice

Signed Resolution 20-03 A Resolution to Establish Town of North Beach Fees

Signed Resolution 19-07 Stormwater and Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee

Signed Resolution 19-06 Fee Schedule

Signed Resolution 19-05 5G Aesthetic Standards

Signed Resolution 18-06 Route 261 Project

Resolution 18-05 For the Purpose of Adopting the Calvert County, Maryland 2017 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update / Link to Calvert County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan

Signed Resolution 18-03 Circuit Rider Program

Signed Reslolution 18-02 Moratorium Extention

Proposed Resolution 18-01 North Beach Fee Schedule