New Signage at Sunrise Garden

sunrise garden

New signage has been posted at Sunrise Garden, located at the corner of 3rd Street and Bay Avenue. The signage has been put in place to remind visitors to "be kind" to the fish and the sculptures placed in the park. When visiting Sunrise Garden, please remember the following:

  • The fish may act hungry, but they get fed by our staff. Please don't feed them. The fish can get hurt if you throw things in the ponds, so please don't throw anything in the ponds. Do not allow children to put hands, feet or any body parts in the ponds.
  • The two driftwood sculptures in the park, Cecil the Lion and Pearl the Mermaid, are popular attractions. Cecil and Pearl sometimes take a beating, so please don't sit on, stand on, kick, pull apart or damage them in any way.

Thank you for helping us keep our park and its attractions in good condition!

be kind signs