North Beach Launches Major Flood Resolution Project


The Town of North Beach has announced another major step in its long-term plan to address the community’s recurring stormwater and tidal flooding. The Town has contracted with BayLand Consultants and Designers Inc., of Hanover, Md., ( to develop structural and engineering solutions that will relieve the impact of these flooding problems and as well as provide recommended solutions for implementation.  

This “Compound Flood Action Plan” now underway by the BayLand firm is expected to be completed within a year.

A $75,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) awarded in 2021 is funding the project and comes after the Town and the DNR spent several months jointly identifying the flood problems and outlining the scope of the task.  

The Town intends to solicit residents’ opinions and provide BayLand the findings to incorporate in its planning. Once the flood plan is completed, the contract calls for BayLand to provide a public presentation of its findings and recommendations. The Town will then seek additional funding to move forward on any solutions.  

North Beach Mayor Mike Benton said the planning project comes at the right time for the residents. “Like many communities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, North Beach has experienced heavier and more frequent flooding in recent years from storms and tidal surges,” Benton said. “We expect that sea-level rise and the increased rainfall associated with climate change will only worsen these problems.

“The Town must take action and come up with some solid flood mitigation measures for the short- and long-term. Also, we’re focusing on solutions for the entire community, not just the North Beach waterfront. “We’re delighted that BayLand will be helping us in the effort,” he said.

North Beach’s Department of Public Works is currently working on several other flood mitigation measures. Bids are being solicited for a new 5th Street pump station, which will be funded through a grant from the State of Maryland. The Town is also looking to secure grant funding for a new pump station at 7th Street, an upgrade to the 9th Street pump station, as well as improvements to the rock seawall along the boardwalk and Atlantic Avenue shoreline.