Sponsor the Coolest Event of the Year

plunge logo

The Annual Polar Bear Plunge in North Beach is the coolest event of the year! This event draws hundreds of brave participants and thousands of spectators each New Year’s Day at 1:00 pm. It is guaranteed exposure and advertising for your business. 

We are excited to announce that net proceeds from the 2022 plunge will go to SAINT ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH LADIES OF CHARITY! Sponsorship costs $325 and the benefits include:

  1. Printed logo on boardwalk banner for THE ENTIRE YEAR.
  2. Printed logo on Polar Bear Plunge t-shirts that participants receive after plunging.
  3. Online promotion of Polar Bear Plunge event and sponsors.
  4. Four Polar Bear Plunge t-shirts.

Complete the online Sponsorship Registration form here.  If you have any questions, please email drichardson@northbeachmd.org or call 443.646.2416.